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15 Things You Should DO Before Changing WordPress Themes



15 things you should do before changing your wordpress themes

In the process that you have used WordPress, at that point you have likely exchanged themes in any case once in your life. On the off chance that you haven’t, and this is your first time, at that point it is amazingly better. The essence of WordPress is that it makes it simple for users to change subjects. In any case, changing subjects is considerably more than just clicking for newcomer. In this article, we will furnish you with an agenda of 15 things you should do before changing WordPress themes. These steps are basic to ensure the procedure goes easily else you can end up losing components that you didn’t intend to lose.

  1. Take Notes of Your Current Theme

Numerous WordPress users surf the web to discover answers for their issues. Regularly they discover those arrangements in type of pieces that they include physically in their topic, for example, the functions.php or another record. Since these progressions were made once, individuals have an inclination of not recollecting that them. Experience your theme scrapes and note down all extra code that you included. You likewise need to check your present theme’s load time since along these lines you can look at the two. Go to a site like Pingdom Tools or use YSlow to try out various pages (Yes various pages, not simply the landing page).

  1. Be ware of the Sidebars

You should ensure that your new theme is widget prepared. Sidebar widgets are extremely simple to utilize subsequently a great deal of users use it to redo it. We notice that sidebars are presumably the most user altered zone of WordPress locales. Individuals make huge amounts of changes, for example, including custom writings, pictures, connections, notice, and different widgets. On the off chance that you are utilizing a widget empowered theme, and you change to a theme that isn’t widget prepared, at that point you will lose the entirety of that. In the event that you are utilizing a widget empowered WordPress theme, at that point this isn’t an issue.

Additionally anything that you change in sidebar.php document of your old theme, will be overwritten. So ensure that you include those codes in the new theme sidebar.

  1. Try not to lose Tracking

Most bloggers use an analytics whether it be Google Analytics, or one of different administrations. A great deal of us don’t utilize plugins to add the tracking codes. A few of us open the footer.php file and adjust the codes. A portion of our themes have a spot to copy and paste the adsense code. Whichever one is your case, you need to ensure that you reorder your tracking code to your new subject. This is something that is regularly neglected by users. Since it is so straightforward, a large portion of us forget about it.

  1. The Good ?Ol RSS Feed you are working With?

A ton of us use FeedBurner for our WordPress RSS Feeds. One of the pieces of integrating FeedBurner into WordPress is pointing your default feeds to FeedBurner along these lines you can have investigation on your feed subscribers. A great deal of themes like Genesis, Standard Theme, and others permit you to integrate FeedBurner from their settings board. You have to ensure that you keep the channel coordinated to FeedBurner in any case there will be two RSS channels for your blog. The primary WordPress one, and the FeedBurner one which is taking the data from your WordPress RSS Feed. But, you will lose check of a great deal of the endorser that you had in light of the fact that they were bought in utilizing the/feed/url which never again focuses to FeedBurner. Once more, this doesn’t mean you lose them, it just implies that you can’t see them in the FeedBurner check.

  1. Security Reinforcement!!

You have nothing to lose by making a reinforcement. As a careful step, you should reinforcement or backup the entirety of your theme documents, modules, and the database. Although nothing ought to occur, however you can never be excessively protected. You can utilize BackupBuddy to make a full-site Backup for you.

  1. Maintenance Mode

You presumably don’t need your users to see while you are doing the switch since they will wind up observing a wrecked site or such. It is ideal to turn on Maintenance mode for 15 ? 20 minutes that it might take you to ensure that everything is working appropriately. When you have arrangement Maintenance mode, you are a great idea to feel free to enact the new subject.

  1. Testing all Functionalities and Plugins

When you have the new theme installed, you have to ensure that you observe all the functionality and plugins is perfectly working. Remember that ol fashioned notes list that you made in stage 1. This is where it can come helpful. Return and include any usefulness that you need to bring from the old theme into the new theme on the off chance that you haven’t done so as of now. Evaluate every one of the features included, however, not constrained to the remarking procedure, single post pages, search, 404 page, document page, contact page and so forth. Ensure the entirety of your gadgets are still there and are working.

On the plugins front, you simply need to ensure that the formatting is still yet remain. A great deal of plugins use your current fonts or styles to show their output. So you most likely need to ensure that everything look great with the new theme.

  1. Cross Browser Compatibility

Test your site in all series of browsers. Browsers have a propensity of translating things in an unexpected way. Uniquely Internet Explorer. You need to ensure that your content looks great in significant browsers. Some complete great themes have a tendency of breaking in different browsers. So on the off chance that a lot of your users is using Internet Explorer, at that point you need to ensure that it is as well open to them.

  1. Make those Third Party Products look beautiful

In a case where by you are implementing Google Adsense or another advertisement programs that permits you to use another theme, at that point your most logical option is to modify them. For instance, you past site was orange, so you had orange connections for Google Adsense. Presently on the off chance that it is blue, at that point you most likely need to consider it.

Same goes for twitter device, facebook like catches contents and so on. Modify those with your new shading plan. In the event that you are going from a light to a dull plan, or the other way round, at that point you have to roll out those improvements.

  1. Inform your Users

Create a prompting newsletter, and compose a sharp blog entry to tell the users to notice, you just spent like 15 ? 20 minutes on checking things. It is highly unlikely that you could’ve get every one of the bugs. By telling your users, you can hope to get bug reports from them. We regularly ask our users on twitter (@wpbeginner) for bug testing. Ask your crowd through twitter, facebook and so on to check whether the site looks great in their browser. On the off chance that they saide YES, at that point its inspiring news. On the other way that they state NO, at that point request that they should please take a screen capture of the issue. You can investigate the issue and attempt to fix it. In the event that you can’t fix it, at that point kindly ask the designer of the theme to fix it. Notice: except if you paid for the theme, these engineers are NOT required to fix those issues for FREE.

Individuals have all kind of browsers, screen goals, and so on, so hearing their point of view is significant. Remember to remind your RSS subsrcibers to visit the site also, so they can see the treats.

  1. Updating Plugins

Themes are currently coming pre-stacked with a great deal of features. For instance, in the event that you are using Genesis or another theme that has BreadCrumbs, at that point you can place of Breadcrumb plugin of yours. The idea is basic. Dispose of things that you need not to bother with. One thing you should ensure however is regularly plugins updating can carry out the responsibility better. For instance a great deal of themes are accompanying huge amounts of SEO features. Beginning, Thesis, Standard Theme, and all others boast their SEO features. We’d preferably utilize a significantly more dominant module like WordPress SEO by Yoast. Settle on your decisions carefully.

  1. Make Little Strides while Changing

You are working with another topic here, so it is most likely best that you make changes carefully. Change little components to ensure that it works appropriately in all browsers. At that point once you are agreeable enough, at that point you can roll out intense improvements. It’s essential to become familiar with the structure and semantics of the new theme before you roll out vast improvements. This will permit you to identify the issue immediately.

  1. Test Loading Time

Take good care of the website loading time, it has to be fast. If is not, try to compare the old theme with the new one and See what you can do to improve load time by looking at the cause and rectify it for fast loading.

  1. Monitor Bounce Rate

Subsequent to exchanging themes, you need to ensure that you are observing bounce rate. A few themes are simply more friendlier than others with regards to exploring the users around your site. In the event that your skip rate has expanded compared with the past theme, at that point you ought to likely move away from that. Include related posts widgets, well known posts widgets, or essentially have a call-to-action for new users.

  1. Listen to your Users and Improve

At the point when another design turns out, users consistently have suggestions. They either love a particular plugin, or despise a particular element. Speak with your crowd by using surveys or Facebook Polls. See what they might want to see improved, and afterward move away completely from that.

Do you have your very own plan while changing WordPress themes? Couldn’t want anything more than to hear it in the case that we missed something. Be careful as you make decision to change website theme.

Josh The Blogger is a Professional Website Developer, computer Scientist., blogger, SEO/SEM Who is passionate about helping you to achieve making money online, financial goals through education and with powerful tools, and much more

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