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How To Move From Debt to No.1 Financial Freedom Or Independence



Financial Freedom or Independence

How to move from debt to financial freedom Or Independence

When we are talking about debt and how we can be free from it and leave a  life of No.1 financial freedom or independence, we must cultivate the act of saving. That is, the principle of spend less and save more. Also, we need to know the cause of our debt and how to avoid it. It might be as a result of loan in most cases and no one knows the time of unexpected occurrence could come to surface.

Debt is when we owe, spending (expenditures) more than your income, in the case you are in debt knowingly and unknowingly.

Apparently, saving is the reduction of your expenditures of the income and set aside a portion for future occurrence.

The word “savings” appears to have a positive interpretation. We may all aspire to be “good” at money management. However, we don’t know how to get there in specific, realistic terms.



Financial freedom or independence is defined as having enough income or wealth to cover one’s living expenses for the rest of one’s life without having to work or rely on others. Passive income is defined as income earned without having to work a job.

Financial freedom Or Independence Wreckers

Financial freedom (Independence) Wreckers

 For several people, financial independence is a goal. It usually entails having enough saving, investments, and cash on hand to sustain the lifestyle as well as a developing a ”fortune nest” that will allow you to retire and follow the career of your choice without being constrained by a yearly salary. Individuals in the informal and formal sectors want to save if they have any reasonable and convenient living standards in retirement, as savings in these sectors have become the apparent replacement for traditional pensions.

Unfortunately, far too many people fail. They fall victim of debt, financial emergencies, wasteful spending, and other obstacles that prevent them from achieving their objectives. Then unexpected occurrences, such as a storm or earthquake—or a pandemic—throw plans into disarray and disclose previously unseen gaps in their safety nets.

Breaking Financial freedom Or Independence Wrecker

 Old habits, terrible financial ones, are difficult to break. If you don’t have any savings and spend more than you earn, it’s time to break your unhealthy spending patterns and start practicing healthy financial practices. Good money habits can help you build wealth and set yourself up for financial success. They will assist you in learning how to budget, save money, and achieve your financial objectives.

Of course, breaking negative habits and forming new ones is a process that takes time. Eliminating negative money habits as soon as possible is critical. Poor financial habits might keep you from achieving your financial objectives and set you up for failure. Budgeting your money, having inconsistent spending patterns, and failing to save money can put you at risk of unforeseen expenses and leave you living paycheck to paycheck with no money set up for retirement. As you can see, unhealthy financial habits can have disastrous consequences for your financial future. However, with patience and knowledge, you may begin to develop better money habits. Breaking Financial freedom (Independence) wrecker

 Building better Financial freedom Or Independence habits

 You can start by making a list of how much money you should have in your bank account, the lifestyle you want to live, and when you plan to reach this ideal lifestyle. The more explicit your goals are, the more likely you are to achieve them. Then, working backward from your present age, set financial milestones at intervals. Put the target sheet at the front of your financial planner and write everything down carefully.

 The easiest method to ensure that we pay all expenses and savings is to create a household expenditure budget and stick to it. It’s also a consistent practice that emphasizes your goals and strengthens your willpower to resist the need to splurge. It’s not difficult to live a modest lifestyle if you have the perspective of living an entire life with less. Before becoming wealthy, many wealthy people acquired a habit of living below their means.

People may doubt this because of recent stock market volatility, but there has never been a better method to build your money than through investment. Compound interest will enable it to expand significantly over time, but it will take a long time to reach possible progress. Also, one can examine all applicable tax law changes to utilize all adjustments and reductions. Stay glued to financial news and stock market movements, and don’t be afraid to make changes to your investment portfolio as needed. Awareness is also the best safeguard against those looking to make a quick buck by preying on inexperienced investors.

More so, taking care of your property doubles the life of everything from cars and lawnmowers to shoes and clothing. Maintenance is an investment because it is part of the replacement price.

Finally, these things will not cure all your financial issues, but they will assist you in developing good habits that will put you on the road to financial independence. Building better money habits

Josh The Blogger is a Professional Website Developer, computer Scientist., blogger, SEO/SEM Who is passionate about helping you to achieve making money online, financial goals through education and with powerful tools, and much more

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