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insight to google analytics


This is one of the most valuable analytics tools to measure the online success.

My special insights to google analytics.It provides a basic real (Organic) information to improve your online presence. Getting access to a whole lot of data via Google Analytics doesn?t necessarily guaranty you the softness or easy way to interpret and apply what you get, Most especially if are you newbies to the world of data analytics.

I will acquaint you with explanation of some terminologies you can come across in Google Analytics to assist the uninitiated ones to get the insights to google analytics:

The Basics                                                   

Pageviews: This simply means the number of times a page that has the Google Analytics code implemented in it is view by users. It encompasses all the page views; that means as many times a user refreshes a specific page or navigates out the page and returns, all these actions are summed up as additional page views.

Unique Pageviews: This refer to as all the number of times a page was viewed in a particular session as a single event. It simply made it clear, no matter how a visitor view a page once or ten times in their visits, the number of unique pageviews will be counted only once. Simple right? Eeeeehhh!

Pages per Visit: This is how many pages a visitor views in one visits. And the data gather here is used in the Depth of Visit report which reflects you how deep most visits to your site really are.

Definitions of Terminologies

Visits: This talks about the individual periods of time (known as ?Sessions?) that visitors spend on your site. So, a visit ended immediately after 30minutes of inactive or if the user leaves your site for more than 30minutes. But if the user leaves your site and returns within 30minutes to your site, it will be recorded as part of the original visit.

Unique Visitors: It is when a user go to your site for the first time, Google Analytics will track both new visit and unique visitor. Then, if the same user return to the site after the initial visit, it will add it up as new visit. Google Analytics recognizes either the visitor has been to your site before or not by the use of cookies. It now clarifies that if a user deletes their cookies or go to the site via another browser or machine, it will mistakenly add you as a new unique visitor. That?s why Google Analytics tends to pay more attention on the visits data.

User Behaviour

New and Returning Visitors: New visitors are the users that has not been initially tracked for visiting a site, while returning visitors must have made at least one visit to at least one page on your site previously. This is based on if Google Analytics can detect the cookies, which shows the initial visits. Then, if it cannot indicate a cookie, it will record one as new visit except the users deleted the cookies from their browser histories.

Bounce Rate: It is the percentage of the number of visits to a site that viewed just a page before exits regardless of the way they got there or how long they spent on that page. A typical Bounce Rate should be within the range of 30% and 50% depending on your site type. Normally, Bounce Rate should be low as possible but blog sites will often see higher Bounce Rate due to many people who will only come and read a post they heard of and leave after their engaged.

Landing Page: Simply means how they land to your site or I could say the page that your user starts their visit to your site from.

Visitors Flow: Shows the reports of your users you need to know on the visits to site. For instance, Traffic source, Geographical location of users, You will know if the website work effectively on all browsers been used, how many users can really view different contents on your site, how many visitors returns to your site, how many traffics coming from various countries etc

Traffic Sources: Another words used to describe traffic to a site is called Visits or groups of visits. Source is a particular place where visitors are gotten from e.g Google search, Facebook, twitter, WhatsApp, Paid adverts, displaying ads, Yahoo, bookmark and lots more.

Organic and Paid Traffic:  Google Analytic help you to display what percentage of traffic your site have either via search engines or paid ads. So, organic traffic are the visitors that come to your site by clicking on the organic links on search engines results page (SERP), such results show below the adverts and depends on how the page was optimized for search engines.

The paid search results normally display users that clicked on your paid search engine adverts located at the top and side of SERPs which is simply managed by advertising account like Bing Ads or Google Adwords.

Direct and Referral Traffic: Google Analytics also show statistics of users that type the site?s URL into address box, select an auto-complete option as you type URL or click on the bookmark to get  to your site. But then, if Analytics cannot discovered the source it will recorded it as direct traffic.

Referral Traffic are users that go to your site by clicking on a link either via social media platforms, from a site or search engines.

Keyword: Google Analytics takes a records on both organic and paid search word and phrase a visitors entered in the search box which prompt them to your site or to click your links.

A search through Google Secure search over SSL, that is, when using https:// version, keywords are not pass to Google Analytics account but Google passes the keywords of Paid search results with Secure URLs (https://, set as default) that even caused some Commentators challenging Google of being partial to their clients who advertise with them, while such search like http:// version are automatically passed to Google Analytics accounts.

Custom Information

Events: Google Analytics provided a chance to set up events that can help you to measure activities that are not reported by tracking code, such includes a user playing videos, downloads a factsheet, uses embedded tools, maybe other on-site interactions.

 Goals: Sometimes, you might have objectives to decides for users to fill up Contact form, completing online transaction processes or to stay for certain time engaging with your site, So goals need to be set up to track the conversion rates of those activities. Google Analytics provide four essential types of goals which includes;

  • URL Destination                             
  • Visit Duration
  • Pages (Screens) Visit                    
  • Goals that are tied to existing events.

It is not bad that you choose a money value to particular goal settings, to enable you ascertain gain back investment from your website or application.

Ecommercial:  This is an aspect of Google Analytics that is most useful to websites that have online shop (market hub) implemented. Ecommerce tracking paves way to see which products has been sold, how much spent, you will find out which marketing medium is best for return on investment and more.

Conclusively, I have being able made a list of Google Analytics definitions to help the new users or those that have experience, to serve as a hints or guides when navigating through. As this is not the full details but covers the most important and majority parts of it.

For real Advice, you can contact us via comments or check Google Analytics help, Analytics Blogspot.

Thank you to see this nice articles on insights to google analytics.

Josh The Blogger is a Professional Website Developer, computer Scientist., blogger, SEO/SEM Who is passionate about helping you to achieve making money online, financial goals through education and with powerful tools, and much more

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