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Latest N-Power Disbursement News



Latest NPower Payment News Today 25th December 2023 

Latest N-Power Disbursement News

Yesterday being  Christmas Day, the federal government starts paying N-Power beneficiaries’ arrears again.

Minister Betta Edu explains the payment pause and reiterates her commitment to fixing scheme lapses.
Betta Edu, the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, made a noteworthy statement on Christmas Day, revealing that the Federal Government has resumed paying N-Power program participants’ arrears. Former President Muhammadu Buhari started the program in 2016 with the intention of reducing youth unemployment and promoting social development.

Minister Edu Talks About Today’s Politics Payment Delays

Yesterday (25th Dec 2023), Minister Edu Talks About Politics Payment Delays

Read Also: Steps You Can Take To Get Your N-Power Stipend On-time » WHITEBEETLES

Latest NPower Payment News Today 25th December 2023 

Minister Edu stated that the government, led by President Bola Tinubu, had temporarily halted N-Power payments upon taking office in order to rectify flaws in the program during an appearance on Channels Television’s Politics Today. Recipients who had to wait several months for their wages to arrive from the previous administration are now beginning to get money in their accounts.

“Right now, we’re paying N-Power; we worked from Sunday until Christmas morning to make sure that young people receive the money they’re due from the previous administration,” Edu said.

Guarantee of a 9-month N-Power Stipend and Transfer to RHJCP

Edu further promised Nigerians that when the Ministry reopens for business in January 2024, the 9-month NPower stipend will continue to be paid. The government intends to carry with the N-Power program when beneficiary obligations are paid, possibly renaming it the Renewed Hope Job Creation Program (RHJCP).

Latest NPower Payment News Today 25th December 2023 

Rekindled Hope for NPower Recipients Across the Country

Though there are rumors that payments may start up again right after Christmas, the Ministry is nevertheless determined to address any gaps in the program before moving forward. As the Federal Government moves to resolve unpaid debt and clear the path for the program’s continuation, this development gives N-Power beneficiaries across the country new optimism.


Credit: Goldennewsng

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