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Trader Arrested For Repackaging Local Rice Into Foreign Rice Bags To Make Excess Profits



Abuja Trader Arrested For Repackaging Local Rice Into Foreign Rice Bags ‘To Make Excess Profits’

Officers of the Nigerian Police Force have detained 39-year-old Nonso Nwobodo in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. It is alleged that Nwobodo repackaged domestic rice and falsely labeled it as foreign rice in an attempt to deceive customers and increase profits. Around 4:15 p.m.

Abuja Trader Arrested For Repackaging Local Rice Into Foreign Rice Bags ‘To Make Excess Profits’

on Saturday, in the Durumi neighborhood of the Federal Capital Territory, the trader was observed engaging in this fraudulent activity at Plot 740 Centenary Credentials. Reporters were given confirmation of the incident by a dependable government source, who disclosed that Nonso was caught repackaging rice that was purchased locally into bags that were meant to look like rice from abroad.


The goal of this dishonest technique was to trick customers into thinking that the rice was imported. Following the operation, officials confiscated 160 bags of rice, varying in size from 5kg to 50kg, as evidence.

Abuja Trader Arrested For Repackaging Local Rice Into Foreign Rice Bags ‘To Make Excess Profits’

With the goal of passing them off as imported rice, Nonso Nwobodo was repackaging local rice into distinctively styled bags that resembled foreign rice bags.

He was caught with 160 bags of rice in different sizes that had already been repacked to look like rice from abroad. 53 empty bags of locally grown rice were also found; these bags had already been repackaged into foreign bags. Moreover, there were 590 brand-new, empty foreign rice bags at the scene that needed to be filled. The rice was seized by the police.

The deceptive act perpetrated by Nonso Nwobodo not only violates consumer trust but also poses significant risks to public health and safety. The authorities are taking necessary actions to address such fraudulent practices and ensure the integrity of the market.

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