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Deakin University, Santa Singh and Balwant Kaur First Nations Scholarship for Women in Economic Hardship




Deakin University, Santa Singh and Balwant Kaur First Nations Scholarship for Women in Economic Hardship Get up to $30,000 in Financial Assistance with the Deakin University, Santa Singh and Balwant Kaur First Nations Scholarship for Women in Economic Hardship. This scholarship, generously funded by Pretam Kaur, aims to support Australian Indigenous women facing hardship and help them achieve their education goals.

Important Dates

  • Applications for Trimester/Semester 2 2023 open: 14 June 2023
  • Applications for Trimester/Semester 2 2023 close: 13 July 2023, 5pm


Various support options are available based on the course length:

  • Bachelor: $30,000 ($10,000 per year over 3 years or $7,500 per year over 4 years)
  • Masters (16 credit points): $20,000 ($10,000 per year over 2 years)
  • Masters (12 credit points): $15,000 ($5,000 per trimester over 3 trimesters)
  • Honours or Graduate Diploma (8 credit points): $10,000 ($5,000 per trimester over 2 trimesters)
  • Graduate Certificate: $5,000 (one-off payment)

Eligibility Criteria

Before submitting an application, make sure you meet all the eligibility criteria:

  • Identify as female
  • Have commenced one of the following at Deakin University in 2023 and be enrolled full time in Trimester/Semester 2 2023:
    • An undergraduate bachelor or honours degree
    • A graduate certificate or graduate diploma
    • A masters by coursework degree
  • Be experiencing financial, personal, or medical hardship


As a scholarship recipient, you must:

  • Write an introduction statement about your study goals and the significance of receiving the scholarship
  • Provide a completion statement upon finishing your studies
  • Maintain a Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of 50 throughout the scholarship duration

Your Application

Supporting Documents

As part of the application process, you need to upload the following current supporting documentation. Ensure to choose the correct document type to be considered during the assessment:

  • Evidence of financial or medical hardship (if applicable)

Note: Quality, current, relevant, and concise documents are preferred over quantity.

Application Tips

Applying for a scholarship goes beyond meeting the eligibility criteria. Consider why you want a scholarship, how it will support you, and what you can contribute to the Deakin community. Read our top 5 tips on applying for a scholarship.

How to Apply

Apply directly to Deakin through

our Scholarship Application Portal:

When applying for this scholarship at Deakin, choose either the ‘Undergraduate Scholarship Application Tri/Sem 2 2023’ or the ‘Postgraduate Scholarship Application Tri/Sem 2 2023’ option. If eligible, your application will automatically be considered for this scholarship. By doing so, you reduce the number of scholarships to apply for and increase your chances of receiving a Deakin scholarship.

Apply Here: Santa Singh and Balwant Kaur First Nations Scholarship

Josh The Blogger is a Professional Website Developer, computer Scientist., blogger, SEO/SEM Who is passionate about helping you to achieve making money online, financial goals through education and with powerful tools, and much more

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